Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Kardashian Edition

Kim Kardashian "came out" a long time ago, and I have had it out for her ever since. I'm not a huge fan of hers and I find almost everything she does, short of breathing, to be absolutely annoying. EVERYTHING she does is for financial gain and attention. EVERYTHING. I'm half convinced that her marriage is a sham, as is mostly everything her family does. Her wedding seems to be meticulously planned...and clearly her husband is smart enough to let it all happen; I'm sure they pay him handsomely to fake be her husband.

The marriage itself comes at a weird time. Looking at her and her "husband" (the extra large child who looks like he's half retarded. Only half though) makes me uncomfortable. She was with Reggie Bush and I thought they were perfect. Even though I can't stand her, I thought they were so cute together. Ever since she broke up with Reggie, she's kinda dated down; she ended up with someone no one cared about, no one knew and most of all, random.

There was a time a few years when the people around her were doing great "life" things; one sister had a baby and the other got married (after knowing her husband for exactly 4.5 seconds. By far the shortest courtship in the history of life). During the whole wedding special for Khloe and in a few finely timed interviews, Kim said she thought she'd be married with children by the time she was 30.

Coincidence? Hm?

Now she is 30 and viola! She's married. After roughly 6 months of dating, Kim gained a gaudy engagement ring and an even more gaudy husband. Is anyone else but me confused by all this? She wanted a husband by 30 and she got one. When I see Kris Humphries out with her, he looks confused. I don't know if its because he can't believe he got a hot and rich wife or if he just never knows, at any given time, what the hell he's even doing.

Being a pawn in the Kardashian game must be a blessing and curse. To have been THE CHOSEN ONE, is an honor and a huge payoff, but I highly doubt that true love waits behind the doors of the Kardashian/Humpries home. Their "honeymoon" photos looked staged and awkward. Clearly Kris is uncomfortable and probably has little to no clue what the hell he's gotten himself into. As I put my hand on my head, in true clairvoyant form, I start to smell a divorce in the future. They can't possibly stay together too long and I'm sure it'll start to suck hard balls for Kris to be Mr. Kim Kardashian. Lets say they do stay together for a substantial amount of time, it'll most likely be because there's too much money/property to be lost and split up. At the end of the day though, this all seems like some kind of really well planned ploy.

We'll have to see what comes of this madness. It could be legitimate love or just another business venture. Next up is a baby for old Kimmy. With a baby will come a post about how that is too a set up, since nothing Kim does is without a contract for payment.

I wonder what Paris is doing these days....member her?

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