Tuesday, September 13, 2011

...Aaaaaaaaaaand, this is where I start to take things personally

I haven't written in a hot minute. Its mostly due to my mood. I've also been stuggling with a smidge of writer's block. Believe it or not, for a few days, I didn't have anything to say and I was stuck.

Anyway, I was able to get off my lazy ass and think of something that has recently come to my attention. It actually hasn't just come to my attention, but its rearing its ugly head moreso than it has in the past.

Everyone I know, EVERYONE, is looking for a new job. Or just a job. Two of my coworkers are looking for new jobs. A former classmate is looking a job after having been laid off; another waits tables at a restaurant after graduating with me back in January.

What the hell gives? There are no jobs for people like myself or my friends. We all graduated with a Bachelor's of Science degree, which means that we can read because that's all we did. We don't have any skills. We all have to go to graduate school in order to do something specific and make real money.

While browsing for a new job myself, I saw most places want experience. Why waste your time training someone when you can hire someone who knows already what their doing? I get that, but how can I get experience if places won't hire me? Time is money, and I get that, but help me out here.

I'm qualified for most of the positions on the websites I look for work on. Up to a point; I have a degree which doesn't hurt, but I don't have experience. I know jack about computers, nothing health related and I don't want to manage anyone.

I look at the websites on a daily basis to see if anything new pops up. And nothing does. Day after day I look and hope to see a position just for me. Anything would be nice. A nice desk job would do me good. My friends experience the same thing when they job search. Its really just the saddest thing.

After a while, I have started to take it personally. I feel like businesses are posting jobs that I'm not 100% qualified for. They are all in it together to single me out and make sure that all the jobs that are available are either out of my league or downright unappealing. My friends all feel the same way as well. We all feel like the world is against us, wants us all to stay put at our jobs as the cost of living goes up but our pay doesn't. Job satisfaction doesn't just lay in the pay, its overall frustration with the type of work. What is there to do about it, when you try to look for something that isn't out there and available? And worse, that other people are looking at that same job and wanting it just as bad as you do.

I'm hoping something else can come about, and soon. Applying and not getting feedback or just not having jobs to apply to is starting to get a little old. Its a given that I'll have to go to graduate school in order to make any decent money to survive and have a lifestyle on. Right now, graduate school is the least of my worries, when I have college loans tied to my back from my undergrad. I just want to make a little more than what I make now, somewhere a little nicer. That's not much to ask, no?

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