Thursday, October 6, 2011

I'm a Good Kinda Busy

I thought I would take a few minutes to write just because I haven't done it in a while and I'm surprisingly in a good mood.

Tomorrow I'm going to a job fair to look for a new job. I'm hoping I can find at least two or three places that look good. Usually job fairs end in nothing and I come out bummed, but I'm going into this job fair with a new outlook. I have an outfit picked out, my resume has been printed and I'm feeling, all around, pretty damn good about the whole thing. Before I can go to the job fair, I have a meeting with a woman from The Family Tree about volunteer stuffs. I wanted to do something that I can add to my resume so I'm looking into doing some volunteering. I think I really would like to be a Court Appointed Special Advocate that way I can get experience in being in a court room and testifying on behalf of someone else, while using my degree to counsel and mentor.

After seeing the career counselor, I have decided to return to school (Towson University) to major in Criminal Justice (like I shoulda to begin with. Always trust your guts kids, always trust your guts.). I would really like to have a career with the FBI being an analyst so I'll see what this new degree will get me. I feel like I should go ahead and get a Master's degree, but I don't think I want to do social work anymore. Its just nothing something I'm passionate about.

There's isn't a whole lot more going on. Well there is but this is what I am currently working with. Next week, I'm going to call around to Towson Town Center and see if their hiring for X-Mas. I think I want to work part time for the Christmas holiday; I miss it. God, I never thought I'd say that. Ok, off to bed I go because I have a FULL day tomorrow. After the meeting is the job fair, after the job fair is work after work is time with the boy. Saturday I'm sleeping in and setting up the rest of my week, then Sunday after work I'll be spending time with the lovely Ms. Alyson Tacy (@alysontacy).

::loud sigh:: I'm in a good space. Finally.

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