Thursday, December 22, 2011


So 2011 is getting ready to strut that ass right up outta here and its come and gone by so fast; I can't believe its almost over.

I'll be 27 in 2012 and I want something to show for it. I think I did a lot of good in 2011, what with graduating and finding a job in an awful economy; I've done better than most of my college mates. But overall, I think I could do some other things just to feel like I've accomplished something and not let another lazy year go by.

I made a list of things that I want to get done in 2012, all of which are the opposite of what I did this year.

Here's my list:

1) Get a haircut: As scared as I am to cut my hair, I want something different. I've already been told it will grow back to its current length as long as I take good care of it. (I'm still not 100% sure about this cutting situation. This is my hair after all, which just so happens to be on top of my head; therefore making it visible to others.)

2) See a doctor about my skin: I want this acne situation to be taken care of by the time I'm 30.

3) Redecorate my room: Cause I'm not 12 anymore, shit! I want to get my closet together because I'm not using a whole side and could totally use the space for my growing collection of shoes and dresses.

4) Apply to grad school: This is going to be a process. I was able to speak with someone at the University of Baltimore's Criminal Justice program and worked out a plan that will hopefully kick start my graduate plans. Because my GPA was so low, the chairperson of the Crim. J program told me to take 3 crim. classes at the community college, get A's in them all and send her one of my papers to prove that I can handle the workload and then we can talk about the application process. I intend on working (and reading) my ass off. I want this bad enough so I have to bust ass to get what I want.

5) Continue looking for work: This'll be hard because my class schedule is weird but I'll continue to look in hopes that I can get an interview somewhere at least.

6) Get a tattoo: CAUSE I FUCKIN WANT TO!

7) Go out on a date: CAUSE IT SEEMS LIKE THE RIGHT THING TO DO! Mind your business.

8) Do my life soundtrack: I want to put together a 15-track album of my favorite songs that actually have a meaning (not just because they're fun or popular). I know for a fact 'Sex on Fire' by Kings of Leon will be on there and possible '32 Flavors' by Alana Davis. I guess its more for like, if I die (heaven forbid) people can honestly tell a lot about who I was based on the music I loved.

So there's my list. I don't know how much I'll get done just because I'll be busy with school and work but I look forward to starting and trying to accomplish some of this stuff. Here's to hoping 2012 kicks ass.

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