Monday, August 29, 2011

The Open Road, The Path to Greatness


This is awkward!

I decided to start a blog for two reasons: a) lack of anything substantial in my life and b) I needed an outlet for all this madness.

I graduated a few months ago with my Bachelor's degree. Then it dawned on me that I hadn't done anything remotely awesome in my years as a college student or a human being on this earth. Or so I think. I'd said I wanted to take a year off from all kinds of schooling to focus on chillin out, but for some reason, I applied to graduate school. Why? I have no clue.

I was accepted into a social work program with only 88.4% certainty that that's what I even wanted to do with myself. I got scared and it happened pretty fast. I should've started classes last Monday. I have yet to register. I have yet to care.

So obviously something is wrong. Why did I apply to grad school so soon after graduating, without being 100% sure that graduate school was something I even wanted to do?

Now that registration has come and gone, and clearly I won't be going to school, I am going to do something I should've done months, if not years, ago: I'm gonna chill the hell out, find out how to be happy and then attack it full on.

This may mean not going to graduate school, this may mean working the super stressful job I have now for the next 10 years. I'd rather "waste" time finding what can make me happy, then go forward into a career I'm not sure about.

This is quite possibly the first day of the rest of my life.